Tuesday, 27 February 2007

The door.

During Christmast I was, as said in the previous post, in Venice. All of the photographs I have from Venice cannot fit in to this page so I suggest you who have not been there; Go There!!
And for those who have been there before; Go Again!!

It is not necessary to go in the summer. In fact I think that going around Christmast is a great time to go for several reasons. It is off season, plenty of hotel rooms and not so expensive. The hotel we lived at was 60 euro a night (220 a night in season, read summer). And also the smell of the channels is probably more pleasant when it is cold than in the summer.

Don't miss it.

Monday, 26 February 2007

New meat to the grinder...

New arrivals in the house. A veteran call center worker from Finland landed unexpectedly this evening. Hope he will like it here.

New positions for PhD comes up. Am I interested?? Of course!!! So down to make something out of all my CV versions I have at the moment.

Yet another week. On Friday we fly back to Sweden for my niece's baptism. My niece is among the cutest small girls in the world and also it is going to be fun to visit Sweden.

Time to start studying for the In Design ACE again. I need to take it in Mars or early April I think. It would be foolish of me not to try. Another ACE will be good in my CV.

Lets finish with a picture from Venice! Picture was taken sometime between Dec 26-Dec 29. Cannot remember exactly when. Be safe and...eat alot of chocolate, it's good for you!!

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Population Increase.

I now populated my blog with an elf (Link on the right) and a Blog Blob. I have heard rumors about the blue Blog Blob being irritating but to be honest he is probably the cleanest person I have ever lived with ;).

I recommend you to adopt an elf you to. A cuter flash game/app is hard to find, and he is fun to play with, you should try.

Housing issues are in the news and there is a hope on the horizon. I guess it is time to take a closer look. The phone is still out have been for a few days so if you have been trying to call me on the home number, sorry. It will be sorted by the beginning of next week. Cannot say that the phone company is super fast.

Keep safe in cyberspace and drive carefully on the highways of free information, because the real world and cyberspace are dangerously alike...

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Dutch architecture

IRS. Something to look at.

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Watch out there is more...

What? Already a new post...? I have now increased the content of my page to 200%! A new picture and new text... Jeez!

So what did I do today...I have one word. Lightroom 1.0. I am no expert yet but now I know what it is about at least. :)

How come news does not surprise you anymore? Is it because you have learned the way of things so you, like in the movies, can guess what is coming next? A kind of expertize you get after living almost 28 years? Or is it just that one looses the edge after a while? Seeing having seen most things already another car bomb or another threat of war just does not interest you anymore...? For me I do hope it is the first. That I in some way have learned 'the way of things'. Scary really.

Ah yes and so we are one less person in the house also, my dear German friend moved to Blomendal. Which reminds me that I soon have to find something also. Will have a look around. Well t.b.h. I have already started.

On Valentines day we had dress up-day at work. Only 1 rule. Wear something you normally would not wear to work. So. Ecco!

Monday, 19 February 2007


So. Finally for all my friends out there there is a way of contacting the pokute again.
Were is he these days?? Well he apparently moved to Amsterdam about 10 months ago and according to rumor he is still there. Kicking off with yet another week at work for 'a big american company' technical support. Mo. I guess there will be some pictures here shortly to. A blog with only text is to boring...no? So be prepared, more to come!!