Friday 30 May 2008

About time?

So well. I know I have not been that active in the last few months but here is another post.
What is going on? Well I work, I sleep, I plan the wedding, i worry that I have not been home in Sweden to see my parents, my brother and sister etc. And the truth is that there is time if you want to find it. And I will find it so...homecoming in June I guess. Cannot say early or late but June.
Otherwise the Netherlands is like get the picture? Well it actually are not that bad but if you come from the Swedish east coast like me well that is what you think....for example a person from GB or from Norway (Bergen for example) would probably think the weather is quite OK here.

I will in the future try to be more active in the blog, I know I have time for that to. :)

cheers ppl.

1 comment:

Syster Molly said...

Jomen, säg bara när du kommer, så hoppas jag att jag är ledig (räkna med att jag jobbar varannan helg) Fanny växer och frodas, hon blev kär i farbror Lars röda motorcykel härom kvällen (hennes far är nu överlycklig...not!) Kramiz M